Profile image of TisBest Charity Founder, Erik Marks.

A Message from Founder Erik Marks

I started TisBest with the goal of helping people change the world through the act of giving gifts. I had realized that gifts really aren’t about the material items themselves (and I was becoming acutely aware of the vast accumulation of stuff and its effects on our planet). Gifts, at their core, are how we tell each other “I care about you.” They create connections, build relationships, and foster good feelings.

When you choose to give a TisBest Charity Gift Card, you’re spreading empowerment, connection, and goodwill. You’re helping someone else make a difference. You’re also reducing waste and making crucial contributions to causes like cancer research, protection of endangered species, and support for our veterans. You really are making the world a better place.

Thank you for your interest in TisBest Charity Gift Cards. Together, let’s #RedefineGifting.